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How to achieve arc engraving wood engraving machine?

Source: Time:2019-10-24 14:15:01 views:

Sometimes we need to process the material is a certain arc, so how to deal with it? That's where the projector function woodworking engraving machine engraving.
    Sculpture is in accordance with the vertical projection plane processing path projected onto the surface, mainly used in some of the material with a curved lettering or marking, or engraving of some pattern envisioned as parallel light with a beam along a given direction graphic, graphics shadow falls on the surface (plane) is projected.
    Arc projection carved three parameters: Retain the original depth, close radius compensation and transform the original path if you choose to retain the original depth and projection path will retain the original depth variation, this option can be flat carving a path projected onto a surface. realize surface machining. If you choose to close radius compensation, you can speed up the calculation, but this will result in reduced wood engraving precision machined samples. If you choose to transform the original path, carving arc projection does not generate a new tool path, but only completed projection transformation path selection, the system does not change the order of the original path, the tool does not change the original path, select this option, this tool operation selection invalid.


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